Thursday, September 16, 2010

Marhaba, Elhamdoulilla, Inshallah, etc.

Jordan is awesome.

Today the whole group of students that opted for homestays is heading to their respective houses, so today is going to be the first day that we actually get to use Arabic, as I'm not going to count last night when I asked the waiter where the bathroom was last night, didn't understand his answer and wandered around for 15 minutes being proud of myself, though quite uncomfortable.

I have to admit, waking up on the first morning here, getting a little irked by what I thought was the bathroom light being on and then realizing that it was a) the sun and b) a spectacular panoramic view of the entire city from the 9th floor of the hotel, made for a really nice welcome. After that, a series of gloom-and-doom related safety and general knowledge orientation sessions over the course of 4 hours wore down on all of us, but ending the day at the Dead Sea, covered from head-to-toe with mud (I opted to do the hair as well and looked sort of like a comparatively out-of-shape and covered blue lady from X-Men) and floating like a buoy at the lowest point on Earth. I have seen the promised land.

Once I get a converter that works so I can charge my camera (long story), settle in with my host family and get fed (within an inch of my life, apparently), you'll hear from me again.


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