Sunday, December 5, 2010

Utter Failure!

I'm sorry, everyone. I stopped writing, but I also know, based on the nifty 'Stats' page that I have, that y'all stopped reading as well, so no hard feelings?

This weekend I went to Mt. Nebo, Mkawir (too many consonants!!), Madaba and the Jordan River. The most interesting part of the day was standing at the bank of the now-four-meter-wide Jordan River and looking across to the highly-developed Israeli baptismal site center, and then turning around to see the wooden, straw-roofed gazebo on the Jordanian side. Did you know that 90% of the water in the Jordan River is diverted? And people are wondering why the Dead Sea is, you know, dying. The most beautiful part of the day was climbing over the boundary of the guided path to get a phenomenal view of the entire Dead Sea at sunset.

Yesterday, I went to see Jeffrey Sachs speak at the Columbia University Middle East Research Center (aka. Epcot). It's a palace, donated by a woman who had lots and lots of money. I suppose that's all we really need to know about her. Anyway, Jeffrey Sachs talked about how dumb senators are and how we are heading toward the apocalypse and how we have to do something now and how things are weird and how he will be mad when the earth is f**ked up beyond repair (I'm paraphrasing). No surprises there. I also ran into a professor that I saw every day this summer who didn't remember me. That was only slightly awkward.

I've also lost a sock.